Many footballers dream to play at the highest level, without taking into account the endless sacrifices that come with it.
To be a professional athlete and to be somewhat unique from your teammates, you need to do things a little differently. Have you ever thought to yourself – ‘what would make me stand out? What can I do different from the others? How can I show that I am taking my football to the next level?
Setting realistic goals is one thing but actually achieving them is another. Can you honestly sit back and say that yes I have a 6 month goal, and share that goal without going back to a scrunched piece of paper at the bottom of your kit bag to see what you scribbled down before training.
Without goals it is impossible to measure improvement within yourself. Your goals can vary from being committed to achieving success, but no matter what you choose, you need to be true to yourself and commit to your expectations.
There are many ways in which to make your mark, to prove that you take your sport seriously and will not let anyone stand in your way, but sometimes you may find yourself in a position where you are the minority in the team. This should not stop you from achieving what you have set out to achieve, and this is where you can be the change, where you can do things differently so that you stand out.
Your attitude, behavior and work ethic will rub off onto your teammates, and you will show them what it takes to be the best you can be!
There are also players who share the love for the game, want to play it and sometimes think they are better than the next, not realizing that a hard working player will, more often than not, have a successful sporting career over a talented but lazy player.
By changing minor habits, you are able to go from being a teammate to being that teammate! Here are some pointers to help you out:
– Arrive early at training and don’t be in a hurry to leave.
– Be mentally ready and focused to learn.
– Always have your correct football attire and be neat at all times
– Never ask how much time is left
– Give your 110% all of the time even if you make mistakes
– Don’t coach
– Motivate your teammates
– Talk about your club and team with pride
– Be humble when winning and gracious when losing
– Play every game as if it is your last.
Work hard in each and every training and match, as you never know who is watching.